"Way Better Than Doing Stuff At Work"
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Random Pics From Our Image Gallery

Teasing Hurts

Under Constru...


Democracy Fails

Thumbprint Away

Store Placeme...

Dragon Street...

Parked On A R...

Bug Eyed

The Nation

Don't Look Now

English Is Ou...

Keyboard Isn'...

Keep Off Grass

Coffee Machine

Repeat 71

First Bike


Love Those Kids

25 Fingers, 1...

Fuck It Button

Attack Snake

AVing Visual ...

His Mind Woul...

All It's Fit ...

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To experience the awesome wonderfullness of Jokes 'n Fun.com, you really need to enable Javascript.

Really, it's not our fault. We told the web guy that only terrorists use Javascript, but he just whined like a tired child for days and days and so we finally gave in.

Once he was done with the site we hit him over the head and buried him out back, so at least he won't be causing that kind of trouble for anyone else.

Anyway, turn on Javascript and come on in.